

Friday, April 30, 2010

Life: week, 2

April 28th: 55

So that’s what I’d look like If I had a unibrow.. Ha, not!!!?
And school is depressing, sometimes... Exams ARE depressing. Next week is uncool: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, French. WHAT ELSE? WHAT ELSE?! oh yeah, that _____ Romeo and Juliet project. FMschoolL

April 30th: 57

J’ai souffert toute la fucking journée. Enfin depuis le cours de philosophie après le dîner mais quand même, c’est assez pour me tuer. Me choucher et chialer sur mon sofa me fait du bien. Weird mais vrai.
Oh et j'emmerde mon cours de chimie, vraiment.

ps : Mon objectif (à accomplir avant la fin de l’année, si j’en suis capable) -> y parler ??!?! Ça semble si facile mais j’abadonne à chaque fois que je le vois. Lâche ? Oui, peut-être bien. Je déteste ça.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fudge it

J'ai cru qu'on était vendredi toute la journée.
Ça faisait, quoi, 3 semaines que l'école dure juste quatre jours? C'était la belle vie.
Bref, examen de math et de physique le 4 mai, examen d'écriture le 6 mai..
Oh et il ne faut surtout pas oublier le fameux film de Romeo and Juliet! yeah...

ps: Il faudrait que j'arrête de me plaindre de même.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now,
A wish right now, wish right now

Daria Werbowy & Lily Donaldson by Mario Testino


Monday, April 19, 2010

Liv Tyler

N'est-elle pas jolie?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sans mot

Sorry people, no picture today...
I'll take one tomorrow, promise, with my laptop webcam! iiih!!!!!

Sunday Movies

I've been watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy for the last 7 hours....yeaaah. (I sound so...nerdy..)
I knew it was a good movie but never realised it was that great. Maybe because the last time I watched it I was still a "kid" and didn't understand the story.
Well, at least I get it now. Better late than never right? :)

ps: Legolas is just... too good for words ♥

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Je veux juste vedger toute la journée, rester dans mon pyjama et trouver de quoi à lire dans mon lit.. D:

Pas de maths à faire, pas de physique à faire, pas d'autre maths à faire, pas de travaux à faire quoi.

Please please

Yesterday Rain

Romeo and Juliet sous la pluie = pas si fun..
Et oui, mon maquillage de loup est que trop nice.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I can love you like a sailor

As you can see, I'm dressed as a sailor today. Nice huh? or maybe not?
Well, you know, I loooove striped shirts!
yeah, that's pretty it.

ps: OH OH OH my dad just bought me something cool today.
I'll take a picture of it tomorrow!!! :DDDD

cobra starship - the scene is dead; long live the scene

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jolie Jolie

Irina Funtikova by Rayan Ayash.
Did you notice that she has no eyebrows? she still looks beautiful...

Dorothea Barth Jorgensen wearing Elie Saab by Paolo Roversi (Vogue UK May 2010)

Birthday Season ?

♦ I hate it when I wake up and my hair is a mess.
♦ I hate it when there's a pimple on my fucking face, worst: on my nose. why why there? ):
♦ I hate it when these things happen on the same day.
Now I just sound like a super-mega-extra superficial girl who doesn't care about anything else but the way she looks...ok maybe not that much.

Something you probably don't know about me:
I cry when I watch One Tree Hill, no joke. And I'm only telling you this because I am watching it and yeah, I just cried...

Monday, April 12, 2010


I don't know what's more creepy: me reading (FOR THE FIRST TIME) what people commented on Francisco Lachowski's photos on his fan page or "old men" commenting on his photos saying how he's hot, cute and beautiful...?
yeah...question of the day.

PS: My last post was my 200th,just saying! :D

the way you move ain't fair, you know

(ha, moi à mon meilleur)

Coffee with vanilla ice cream after school... mmhhhh sooo goood. :D
Romeo and Juliet movie for next month. NO PLEASE!..
Oh wells, it's gonna be fun, I guess.

HEY SOUL SISTER; my song of the last 2 months?!

I want the world to see you'll be with me

Cole and Agyness = cute cute cute
How can you not love them?

Ça me tentait :)


(her clothes...)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lindsey Wixson:

Disons que je ne la ''déteste'' pas et que je ne l'aime pas non plus.
Oui, elle a quelque chose de différent, mais ce quelque chose ne vient pas vraiment me chercher..
Bref, ces photos sont pas mal celles que je préfère d'elles :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Remember this?

Guess what I just found in my library?! Yesssss ARCHIE!
Who used to read and/or watch this on TV? I did!
Anyways, it's almost 10pm and I'm about to go to a birthday party, Cool thing.

I can't believe she's only 16!!!


Seeing this on my tumblr dashboard made my day, yeah it did.
Oh wells, time for house cleaning and homework now...
See you people later!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Friday McDo

I was craving for McDs fries and since I live near one, I just went there and bought some! :D
They tasted less salty than I thought they were... maybe it's me.
(Lol and I really needed to tell you this...?!!)

Lachowski, you fucking gorgeous boy..
quasi parfait, quoi

Coco Rocha

shot by Tim Walker and Arthur Elgort